Back-Button Blues

Writing long-hand is an exercise in erasures or cross-outs, depending on whether pen or pencil is your instrument of choice.  Long-hand lays waste to a lot of paper.  Brilliant words have been irretrievably lost to long-hand; many a writer has erased faulty phrases or wadded up and tossed pages black with cross-outs, only to discover … Read more Back-Button Blues

Tools of the Trade, part III

As best I can recall, my tools-of-the-trade got zero upgrades between college graduation (1975) and our first home computer (1982). During that period, the cheap ballpoint pen was my go-to in the writing department, like this Bic Crystal. Long-hand was my primary writing mode.  My penmanship . . . I just realized that’s a sexist term.  I … Read more Tools of the Trade, part III