DOUBLE JEOPARDY: One Person, One Vote

I know, right? It’s not equinox, solstice, or a cross-quarter day. It’s not even a full or new moon, and here I am blogging! I’m inspired, in part, because for the first time in ages, I’m having big fun with a small assortment of creative writing-related endeavors. There are other things I could be writing, … Read more DOUBLE JEOPARDY: One Person, One Vote

Bilbo Biden and the Seat of Power

It’s been a long time since I cared to express my thoughts on politics in a public forum. I haven’t even cared to think about politics for years, though I do, of course. Think about politics. All the time. Out of necessity, really. Things have been so dire at home and abroad for so long, … Read more Bilbo Biden and the Seat of Power

The Art of the Steal

It is a measure of the mendacity of this administration that when Our Fearful Leader tweeted that he’d tested positive for COVID-19, people on both sides of the political chasm responded with skepticism. The far-Right believed the twatwaddle’s tweet part of a pre-planned disappearing act essential to vanquishing the demonic Democrats’ cannibalistic pedophile ring.  (I … Read more The Art of the Steal

And Yellow Flows the Donald

Of course Mr. Tangerine Man flat refuses to admit Russia f*cked with our election.  Admitting they f*cked with it is tantamount to admitting he didn’t win it.  It’s admitting he is where he is because he invited a hostile foreign nation to pull a fast one on the whole US of A.  It’s copping to … Read more And Yellow Flows the Donald

Kassandra and Me

A sweet few of you have wondered why I haven’t been blogging lately. I haven’t been blogging because we’re at a point where talking about anything except the spiraling nose-dive of American democracy is pointless, irrelevant, and a disservice to all those already suffering mightily under #45’s reign . . . and because I don’t … Read more Kassandra and Me