Summer’s End

If these seasonal posts prove anything, it’s that I have a penchant for poetry. For others’ poetry, I’m saying.  Oh, I’ve dabbled in the art.  Even written a scant handful of poems I like, and a couple I’m actually proud of. But I’m a blatherer.  When I write, it’s at length.  I pack my sentences … Read more Summer’s End

Autumn Leaves #3

Mostly I come up with my own titles.  Today, I’m just jumping on the bandwagon. Autumn Leaves the Elder (first to penetrate my consciousness) is the latest post from unironedman, a blog you should absolutely be reading. If you’re not yet subscribed, that italicized bit is a link, so go do yourself a favor.  In … Read more Autumn Leaves #3

The Season of the Witch

To all my pagan and pagan-esque friends who think Samhain has passed . . .   In a few hours Mother Earth will have reached that powerful moment in her circuit ‘round the sun that is the exact mid-point between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. TONIGHT is the cross-quarter.  TONIGHT is Samhain Eve. This … Read more The Season of the Witch

BE-COMING HOME: a year to the day

However, as a guarantee of its renewed youth, the symbolical phoenix never reappeared before the eyes of the world without having consumed solemnly the remains and evidences of its previous life. [Transcendental Magic; Its Doctrine and Ritual, Éliphas Lévi] End of October, beginning of November, the front entrance took serious shape – just in time … Read more BE-COMING HOME: a year to the day