Hummingbirds, By Request

Janet and I were discussing happiness.  I was talking about something that had escaped me, but that I longed to recapture.  She was talking about a fiction, a fantasy, a construct in which she placed no credence.   Time was short; we left lots unsaid.  She urged me to write about it, and post it … Read more Hummingbirds, By Request

Inexplicable Elation

I enjoy watching the fog roll in.  I love falling asleep to the percussive music of rain on the roof.  My soul sings in a thunderstorm. It’s genetic, apparently.  My kids are fall-winter/mist-and-rain lovers, just like their mum. All things in balance.  I’m not weather extremist.  I’m a devoted fan of the succession of seasons … Read more Inexplicable Elation