Got Those Plague-Times, POTUS-Crimes, Post-Election Blues

I intended to blog right after the election, but I couldn’t get off these g’ddam tenterhooks long enough to sit down at the keyboard. The White-House Washout’s plethora of meritless lawsuits, the GSA’s (General Services Administration) refusal to cooperate with the Biden transition team, McSmug McConnell rushing to fill every open judicial seat with an … Read more Got Those Plague-Times, POTUS-Crimes, Post-Election Blues


Looking for something cheerful?  Try last week’s post about the Cubs winning the Series.  Got nothing for you this time but anger, frustration, and bitter dismay. Notice, “shock” and “surprise” aren’t on my list.  I’ll leave those to the millions who trusted the nation’s major media outlets to tell them what was up and to … Read more WTF